Re: GTK+3 fonts

$ fc-match Sans
DejaVuSans.ttf: "DejaVu Sans" "Book"

Aargh, I'm stupid, Liam! Somehow I managed to skip over the key piece of information you supplied in your brief response. Here's what I get on my Mac:

% fc-match Sans
Vera.ttf: "Bitstream Vera Sans" "Roman"

Obviously this explains a lot. Looking around on the Mac I was able to 'find' these:

% sudo find / -name '*Vera*' -print
... lots more Vera*.ttf files in /opt/X11/share/fonts/TTF
... but also a bunch of other stuff here:

I suspect, but can't be sure, that the latter files were part of the MacOS install. The ttf files in /opt/X11/share/fonts/TTF almost certainly came from either a MacPorts package install (which could have been either from the gtk3 package or any one of a number of X11-related packages) or from an XQuartz install (Mountain Lion no longer has integrated X11, you must install XQuartz separately), and I have no idea which.

Anyway, I tar'd up all the DejaVu*ttf files from /usr/share/fonts on my CentOS 6 machine and dumped them into /opt/X11/share/fonts on the Mac, but my app does not seem able to find them there, and fc-match still says that Sans is aliased to the Bitstream Vera font. It would seem that there is still some other piece of font lookup information that is missing. Any idea on what that might be?



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