Re: Strange display problem with gtk-win32 and VC++

On 7 Nov 2010, at 00:15, Guy Rouillier wrote:

Since the number of squares equals the number of characters in the label you are trying to display, the 
problem appears to be one of font rendering.

Thanks Guy.  I think I've been easing towards that conclusion myself but it's good that someone else is 
thinking along the same lines.

If it works with the official GTK binaries (which is what I assume you meant when you said "gnome 
binaries"), I would just stick with those. You don't want to be in the business of supplying GTK binaries.  
That's a difficult, time-consuming task; just look at all the conversations about the Windows GTK libraries 
involving Tor - no one ever wants to volunteer to help.

Well I probably would.  I can appreciate where you're coming from Guy, but there are bigger ramifications to 
consider.  What I DON'T want to be doing is to distribute an application made with a mishmash of incompatible 
compilers and different 'C' runtimes.  If my information is correct, the distributed GTK binaries were built 
with MinGW and gcc.  I won't be using either of those so it's important that I find out what's wrong.  The 
libraries appear to build perfectly with VC++ but subsequently they don't work (or at least, they don't 
"appear to" work) once they're built.

Strange as it may seem, the very reason I embarked upon building everything with VC++ was that I was already 
seeing this problem when using the official GTK binaries.  The difference then was that it was only an 
occasional problem whereas now I seem to have it permanently.  However, that could be helpful in tracking it 
down!  It might well be something as simple as a path problem.  In fact the more I think about it, the more 
likely that seems.

On 7 Nov 2010, at 07:31, Tor Lillqvist wrote:

Also, there is a person actively submitting patches for the Visual
Studio project files. (So if you are trying to use those with a
current GLib or GTK+, please check bugzilla for ones that actually

Thanks Tor, I'll do that.  I'd be happy to help in testing the Visual Studio builds since I definitely have a 
vested interest in seeing them work reliably!  To be honest, I can't quite believe that something so obvious 
would have been missed, so I'm inclined to think there's some kind of configuration issue at my end.  In case 
you've ever bought Andrew Krause's book (Foundations of GTK+ Development) I've simply built listing 2-2 on 
page 23.  There can't be more than 30 lines of code.  I've changed the label text slightly but that's 
essentially what I'm using to test with.

Going back to my "path" theory....  is there possibly a config file somewhere where I need to set up my 
Windows paths or something like that?  GTK+ normally handles that kind of thing very intelligently (which is 
why I didn't think to check) but maybe I've just got a simple configuration problem here.

If not, I'd be happy to liaise with your colleagues to find out why this isn't working.  I feel sure it'll be 
something blindingly obvious that I've forgotten to set up.


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