Re: gtk.TreeView.set_model(TreeStore) expanders do not seem to work?

On 10/17/2009 11:08 PM, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
la, 2009-10-17 kello 17:16 -0700, Daniel B. Thurman kirjoitti:
In my application, I am populating a treestore with
new children, I then use the following method:


Apparently the treeview does not show expanders
where there are new children.

Is there something I need to do to show the expanders?
You should only need to add children to the model. Perhaps there's some
unrelated problem. Could you distill the program to be as small as
possible while still showing the problem?

Thanks for looking into this Lars!

If you wish to see the entire code, see the attachment below,
Otherwise pseudo code is listed below:


Class FileLister()

    def __init__(self, path=None):

        # Create a new window

        # Create TreeStore & TreeView
        self.treestore = gtk.TreeStore(str, gtk.gdk.Pixbuf, int, bool, str)
        self.treeview = gtk.TreeView(self.treestore)

        # Set TreeView Options

        # Set TreeView Columns

        # Set TreeView Signals
         self.treeview.connect('row-activated', self.on_row_activated)
         self.treeview.connect('row-expanded', self.on_row_expanded)

        # Populate the TreeStore with initial data
        self.path = os.path.expanduser(DEFAULT_PATH)
        self.dir_walk(path=self.path, recurse=RECURSE)

        # Add Scrolled window with TreeView Object

        # Show Window

    def dir_walk(self, path, parent=None, recurse=RECURSE):
        # Populate TreeStore with additional (unique) data

    def on_row_expanded(self, treeview, iter, path):
        # PROBLEM:
        # (1) Adding in new children data does not enable expanders
        model = treeview.get_model()
        filename = model.get_value(iter, 4)
        self.debug("File     : row_expanded(): %s" % filename)
        ts = self.dir_walk(filename, parent=iter, recurse=RECURSE)
        treeview.set_model(ts)                 # <== Expanders do not
work for new children!
        treeview.expand_row(path, True) # <== Does not seem to work


Kind regards,

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