Re: Makeing librsvg work (bizp2.dll missing)

Hi Tor,

Tor Lillqvist schrieb:

Sure. Why is that a problem? Users (and I mean *real* end-users, not
"sophisticated" people who have used Linux) should not even need to be
aware that there is something called "GTK+" and that some app in
particular uses it. [...]

I might well imagine that if various non-related GTK+-using apps
shared a GTK+ installation and theme setting, users would be very
confused why these, in their impression, totally unrelated
applications, are all affected by some mysterious "GTK+ theme setting"

Okay, this convinced me.

Nevertheless let me answer to your other arguments

And the waste of space argument is so last century.

Wast of space is somewhat outdated, you are right. But larger packages
need to be transmitted, and I heard rumours there are areas (somewhere
outside Europe) which do not have Gigabit to the household ;-)

Yeah, but if there is no shared installation of just GTK+ as a
separate entity, there obviously is no need to uninstall it separately

Except for the developers package.

Schönen Gruß - Regards
Hartmut Goebel
Dipl.-Informatiker (univ.), CISSP, CSSLP

Goebel Consult
Spezialist für IT-Sicherheit in komplexen Umgebungen

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