Re: Makeing librsvg work (bizp2.dll missing)

Because does not provide an installer (which sets the
path, etc.)

Well, setting the PATH system-wide to include where one GTK+ runtime
is installed is really not appropriate because the idea is that each
application bundles an own copy of the GTK+ stack. And what does the
"etc" stand for? The GTK+ stack doesn't require any Registry settings
or whatever.

What I am trying to say is that I really don't believe in the idea of
having a shared, system-wide GTK+ on Windows,  and thus I don't see
that the GTK+ stack *by itself* would need an installer. (Sure, *apps*
that bundle it need installers, and for people writing Windows
Installer -based app installers, a merge module could be useful.)

But yeah, there are differing opinions about all that.

Sorry, I mixed it up. bzip2.dll is required by libgsf-1-114.dll. I
downloaded the version from and checked this: Yes,
bzip2.dll is required here, too:

There is also a libbzip2 package on

$ grep -r bzip2 .
Übereinstimmungen in Binärdatei ./bin/libgsf-1-114.dll.

It happened to work this time, but there are more appropriate tools
than grep to use to check for dependencies. objdump -p for instance.
You might get false positives from just a grep. Consider for instance
if there was some error message in a DLL that said "sorry, bzip2
compression not supported" because the DLL in question had not been
built to use any bzip2 library... ;)


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