Positionning a widget in Table cells

Hi all, I'm developping an app w/ gtkmm 2.4.
I'm using a number of custom widgets, packed into a Table in my main window
One of these ("W") is attached to 2 cells of the first
column, and others ("a","b","c","m") fill the other cells, like so:

m m m
W a b
W _ b
c c c

This Widget is set to shrink vertically, and does exactly so :)
However, it sits centered in the two cells it's allocated.
I'd like to anchor the widget to the top of the two cells. I found the
'Gtk:AnchorType' enum, but I can't find any function that use it.
What is the correct way to acheive this?

Thanks a lot,

<Morpheus> linux, c'est une question de VI ou de MORE

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