Re: Libraries and Mingw

2007/3/6, Olivier Delhomme <olivierdelhomme gmail com>:

2007/3/6, Chris Sparks <mr_ada cox net>:
> Are you sure it isn't a path problem?

I thought It was such a problem. But in such a case It would give me an
error saying that a library is missing or something wouldn't it ? Anyway,
i'll try to add some paths to the default one.


Chris you were right ! :-)

Finally after getting crazy with this, after trying CMake, after trying
nearly all options to generate libs from autotools I tried to compile the
whole thing by integrating the source lib in the program. After compiling
successfully  it was the same result !!!

Finally I found out what was wrong (and of course it was my fault). I used
some calls that windows do not like such as getenv("LOGNAME") for
instance... .
Using the glib calls made it !  I  now use  g_get_home_dir() which works
fine !!

Thanks to the people that code the glib all this is possible ! Thank you


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