Re: Signal on mouse over menu item?

On 11/26/05, Daniel Pekelharing <legendstar gmail com> wrote:
Only it doesn't seem to work for me?
I even tried gtk_rc_parse_string("gtk-can-change-accels = 1");

Perhaps it's because I have a manually constructed menu?
Do you know if menu withinit only works with UI manager?

Hi again,

It works with hand-made menus too. You need to have an accel group and
path for each item.

I make one accel group per top-level window, then attach each item in
that window which might have an accelerator to that group. The path
names each item (eg. "<main_window>/File/Open") soGTK can save and
restore accelerators correctly.

Here's my app's code for menu items:

and for menus:

There's more stuff in there for building menu trees which hang off UI
manager trees, don't know if that's useful for you.


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