Re: Signal on mouse over menu item?

On Sat, 2005-11-26 at 13:33 +0000, John Cupitt wrote:
Ah, OK, you're in luck, GTK has a very nice system like this already built in.

Just add

  gtk-can-change-accels = 1

To your .gtkrc and all your gtk applications will have programmable
accelerators. You select the menu item you want to set an accelerator
for, press CTRL-SHIFT-K or whatever, and that combination is now bound
to that action. It updates the menu item text to show the shortcut,
and removes that shortcut from any other menu items which also have
that set.

You'll need to be able to load and save your edited shortcuts: see
gtk_accel_map_load() and gtk_accel_map_save(). I'd like a
reset-to-defaults call, but I've never found it :-(

Rather than asking people to edit their .gtkrc, I have the
gtk-can-change-accels line in my application's resource file, which I
think is frowned on. Oh well.

That sounds pretty cool!

Only it doesn't seem to work for me?
I even tried gtk_rc_parse_string("gtk-can-change-accels = 1");

Perhaps it's because I have a manually constructed menu?
Do you know if it only works with UI manager?

Thanks again!
Daniel Pekelharing
<legendstar gmail com>

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