Re: Signal on mouse over menu item?

On Sat, 2005-11-26 at 13:04 +0000, John Cupitt wrote:
I'm not sure, but perhaps GTK's programmable accelerator system is
taking the keypress events before you see them?

I'd wonder about the wisdom of doing this (though of course I don't
know what or why you need keypresses). It sounds like you might be
wandering away from the expected behaviour for a GTK application and
you're likely to confuse users more than help them. Is there some way
you can get the effect you want and stay within the HIG?


I'm trying to implement a system for making the accelerators adjustable
in a easy way. I'm working on a 3D Animation app, and I've picked up
(from forums and such) that 3D designers are rather particular about
having flexibility on keyboard shortcuts...

I actually posted a question about it some days ago:

On Thu, 2005-11-17 at 18:41 +0200, Daniel Pekelharing wrote: 
Hi all,

I'm wondering, how easy would it be to set up my program to have easily
adjustable accelerator key mappings?

It would be nice to have a setup similar to a lot of programs - where
the user just hovers the mouse over the menu item, presses insert and
then the desired shortcut key..

Has anyone accomplished this sort of thing, or have any links to a
tutorial ?
Daniel Pekelharing
<legendstar gmail com>

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