GTK app with no keyboard/mouse


I'm starting design work on an application which will run on a system
with no keyboard or mouse.  I'm not an experienced GTK programmer, I'm
very experienced in embedded systems development FWIW.

This system will have a display, and a remote control device.  I'm
planning on a separate thread from the GUI which receives the remote
codes, interprets them, and injects appropriate events into the GUI.

Let's assume for the moment that the remote has just six buttons.  Menu,
up, down, left, right, select.  Any thoughts on the best way to inject
events?  So far I have found that a "move-focus" signal on the window
containing a bunch of button and slider widgets is not the answer (for
direction navigation).  Neither does gtk_window_propagate_key_event()
seem to be what I want.  I, of course, want to use the GTK
infrastructure instead of rolling my own.  Any suggestions?

thanks for any light you can shed on this!


Mike Rosenlof
Brillian Corporation
5490 Conestoga Court
Boulder, Colorado  80301

phone 720-406-8400 x30
fax   303-545-2633

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