Re: gtk+ for windows problem

Toni Willberg wrote:
On Thu, 2004-05-06 at 08:57, Tor Lillqvist wrote:

This same problem has been reported on the gimpwin-users
list. Basically it is a packaging problem. Some of the lower-level
dependent DLL (intl? iconv? zlib? something like that) is a different
version in the two installers. One packages an older version, and the
other a newer version, and also needs the new version. Then GTK+
installed by the other isn't noticed by the first. I don't remember
the exact details.

Also many Silky [1] users have reported problems when trying to test
GAIM and Silky on same computer.

Silky requires's GTK+ -package. After installing
GAIM, Silky stops working and reinstalling GAIM breaks Silky. :)

Something should be done to resolve this issue as more and more GTK+
applications are being ported to Windows.

One issue causing this problem is that there are no official runtime-
and development packages of GTK+ available from Some
application developers use's packages, and some use Tor's
separate binaries and embed them into their application's installation

Package management systems, like RPM as Tor suggested, are not the
ultimate solution to this. I've seen badly built RPM packages as well.
The problem is the people packaging them. :)


seems to me this is because it's windows and the best solution for distributing applications on
win32 is either rely only on win32 libraries (not reasonable here) or distirbute the dependent dlls
in the application's binary directory. Then there are no issues of third party applications
interferring with your application and its dependencies. This is just a deficiency in win32 *I believe*
or do we have the same problem in nix as well?


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