Re: mysterious warning from Pango on Win32

On Thu, Jul 29, 2004 at 12:42:47AM -0400, Todd Fisher wrote:
I think your problem is probably related to pango.modules.   The file 
usually lives in
etc/pango/pango.modules.  That path can be in the same directory you run 
the exe.
pango.modules points to the location of pango_basic.dll or something 
similar depending on what fonts you want (i think).

mine looks something like: .\pango-basic.dll BasicScriptEngineWin32 
PangoEngineShape PangoRenderWin32 common:

I put together a gtk+ installer to set up all gtk+ that I compilied with 
msvc it shouldn't be too different from one compilied with
mingw.  It includes a pango.modules as well as some other files you 
might need for using themes.

hope this helps,

Ok, I'll take a look.  Thanks for the input.


Issac Trotts
Programmer, NIMH Human Brain Project
University of California, Davis

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