Re: Re: Help with flickering widgets when showing and hiding!!

W liście z śro, 21-07-2004, godz. 07:10, crypto_stonelock sympatico ca
I'm wondering if there is any way to get rid of flickering when hiding
vs showing (gtk_widget_hide/show) widgets.
I'm using the equivalent of scrolling in a custom made menu directly
sitting on inside the window and I get some flickering when hiding and
showing GtkListItem widgets in my GtkList.

Ugh, you're not using the oldest, already superseded twice, hopelessly
outdated, not supported since forever, dating back to GTK+ 1.0 GtkList,
are you?
I'm afraid so; It does exactly what I want it to do so why not use it :)? In any case, it being deprecated 
is not the issue here; flickering is (gtk_widget_show/hide) ;).

Precisely because it's old and unsupported. It was superseded for a
reason, and also even if it is present for legacy reasons in current
GKT+, it doesn't receive all the love new widgets get, for example it's
pretty much possible that double-buffering work (which deals with
flickering) missed GtkList. Also, code bitrots and there may arise new
issues that weren't present earlier due to changes in GTK+ internal code
paths, for which deprecated widgets obviously aren't updated. 
All in all, using widget deprecated over 4 years ago is asking for
trouble (if nothing else, that's because people no longer remember how
it works, and new ones don't know).


"Tautologizm to coś tautologicznego"
   Maciej Katafiasz <mnews2 wp pl>

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