Re: Setting Label and Icon widget of Widget returned by toolbar_add_item


 You will have to keep a pointer to the toolbar child widget (or search for it
in a for loop). In my case, I kept a pointer to the child widget as I added the
widget to the toolbar. 

  See the code below.

 w->cdrom_icon = gtk_image_new_from_stock (GTK_STOCK_CDROM,
                    gtk_toolbar_get_icon_size (GTK_TOOLBAR (w->toolbar)));
 w->start_tbr_tgle = gtk_toolbar_append_element (GTK_TOOLBAR (w->toolbar),
                    GTK_TOOLBAR_CHILD_TOGGLEBUTTON, NULL, "_Start",
                    "Start/Stop Server", NULL, w->cdrom_icon, NULL, NULL);
     w->toolbarchild_start_tgle = ((GtkToolbarChild*) (g_list_last (GTK_TOOLBAR
    gtk_label_set_use_underline (GTK_LABEL(w->toolbarchild_start_tgle->label),


 Notice how I apply changes to the label using 

 The same holds true for icons as well,

Hope this helps

Harring Figueiredo.

--- Jonathan Johnson <jon maccoding com> wrote:

Before you all jump in and say, "Look at GtkToolButton!", I want to say 
that I don't want to support only 2.4 and up. I want to support 2.0 and 
up, since that is our previous requirement for our product, and we 
don't want to change it.

My problem is that I create a toolbar item, and at a later time, I want 
to set its attributes to something else. All of the calls that I see in 
the docs seem to be related to 2.4. I did notice GtkToolbarChild, which 
seems to be what GtkToolItem is based upon (or at least GtkToolButton), 
but I haven't had any luck with setting the properties on it. I'm not 
against using GtkToolButton if the gtk version is 2.4 or higher, but I 
want some mechanism to fall back on for systems lower than 2.4.

Any tips or links are greatly appreciated.


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