Setting Label and Icon widget of Widget returned by toolbar_add_item


Before you all jump in and say, "Look at GtkToolButton!", I want to say that I don't want to support only 2.4 and up. I want to support 2.0 and up, since that is our previous requirement for our product, and we don't want to change it.

My problem is that I create a toolbar item, and at a later time, I want to set its attributes to something else. All of the calls that I see in the docs seem to be related to 2.4. I did notice GtkToolbarChild, which seems to be what GtkToolItem is based upon (or at least GtkToolButton), but I haven't had any luck with setting the properties on it. I'm not against using GtkToolButton if the gtk version is 2.4 or higher, but I want some mechanism to fall back on for systems lower than 2.4.

Any tips or links are greatly appreciated.


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