Re: what is perfect IDE for gtk development?

Quoted by a lot of circus hamsters
For `musicinsect_2000 <musicinsect_2000 163 com>' 
On Saturday, 31 May 2003 (02:26):

    I know somebody like to using emacs,but it has so may function keys,too 
complex and not easy master it in a short time.

        Some xterms, devhelp, a text editor and, of course, coffee :)

   Does gtk-developed has a RAD tools like kylix ? 

        There is Lazarus, a Delphi-like IDE that uses FreePascal and GTK+:

 Leandro Pereira              (oO)           <leandro linuxmag com br>            /||\                 GPG key: 0x062E7976

        "O medo é uma coisa boa. Se você não tiver medo, pode
           acabar pulando pela janela" --Keith Richards  

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