Re: what is perfect IDE for gtk development?

On Saturday 31 May 2003 1:30 am, G Hasse wrote:
On Sat, 31 May 2003, musicinsect_2000 wrote:
hi, brothers

    I know somebody like to using emacs,but it has so may function
keys,too complex and not easy master it in a short time.
So you kind of whant to play a piano but you don't whant to learn
all those funny figures on the music sheet?

Well - the bad news is that Gtk runns in a distributed environment. You
have to be able to log into a remote machine, brobably with a
operatingsystem that you never heard of before, fix some ugly buggs and
run GTK over ssh with X-tunneling.
A singularly unhelpful reply, one not worthy of this list.

   so I want to find a good IDE for gtk development, but glade2+anjuta is
not so good. not what you see is what you get. And I find C-Forge,but it
is not free.
   Does gtk-developed has a RAD tools like kylix ?
There are many tools you can use to develop gtk programmes.  One that many 
peoiple use is Anjuta, which together with a user interface design programme 
called glade, provides much the same environment as Kylix.


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