I need help with a widget

I need a widget that looks something like the widget that gnumeric uses
for the display of the sheets.
I need it to look like the old clist widget and the text fields to be
Something like:
| Title 1 | Title 2 | Title 3  |
| Text 1  | Text 2  | Text 3   |
When the user clicks or double clicks a field I whant him to be able to
edit it and also to be able to put a signal handler on it to see when he
finished editing.

Thanks a lot,
|I haven't lost my mind; it's backed up on tape somewhere.
|Mincu Alexandru                intelinet.ro
|Tel:+4 0745 369719             +4 021 3140021
|www.intelinet.ro               office intelinet ro
|GPG Key: http://alex.work.local.intelinet.ro/key.gpg

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