Re: I need help with a widget

Quoted by a gang of über hamsters
For `Mincu Alexandru <alex intelinet ro>' 
On Saturday, 17 May 2003 (20:54):

I need a widget that looks something like the widget that gnumeric uses
for the display of the sheets.
I need it to look like the old clist widget and the text fields to be

        If you're using GTK2, you can use the default GtkTreeView stuff. See the
"gtk-demo" app for examples.

        You can also use GtkExtra ( IIRC, there's no GTK2
version yet.


 Leandro Pereira              (oO)           <leandro linuxmag com br>            /||\                 GPG key: 0x062E7976

         "Se você obedece a todas as regras, acaba perdendo
                toda a diversão." --Katherine Hepburn

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