Re: glib strlen ?

Wow; 15 minutes and this is what you get ;)

        Alright; I dont thing that KISS is an acusing
statement I've always understood it as simple and stupid;
not simple "you stupid". but I see that your argument is
that I didn't feel compelled to add much to the argument.

Everything has its place and the choice between hammers
and screwdrivers all depend on context. If I were writing
an ai for a game and I wanted relation tables and large
structures of strings so I could generate sentances
for my NPC to voice; I might want to wrap them up with
something such as a GString.

In practice it is _very_ frequent to write string
operations in C. 

for example:

gchar *string;
if ((string = g_strdup(get_setting_from_mysql_table("key"))) != NULL) {
   // shuffle string

I dont know how many times a day I'll end up writing something similar.
hell ; I write that piece of code with my eyes closed.

I understand that this can be a matter of taste and that
you feel attacked by my previous statement to KISS.
I guess I should have expected as much.

hell use gets(); use strcat(); just make sure you 
know what you're doing and you know you're not breaking

I fail to see any "defficiency" in libc. libc is very
basic and does very basic things; if you screw up
useing libc; you know by reading the man pages
where you screwed up. I've never seen strlen()
behave sporadicly or do anything its not
supposed to. I trust strlen to do _exactly_ what
it says in the man page.

Haveing said all this; I'd like to take this
oportunity to formally apoligize for my previous
"blatent" statement; I had no intention of calling
you "stupid" or anything of the like; the following
flaming disscussion makes me sick and also makes me
loose a half an hour of my time. I've got about
50 Makefiles to write ATM so I'm off.


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