RE: glib strlen ?

Why do you make this personal then? Now you question my character for
mentioning that the army of people who yell "KISS" to every problem
insult me? This has nothing to do with me, so why do you fall back to
questioning my motivations or my competence? "Don't get 
personal - btw,
I think you suck." Sheesh.

I was being suggestive, I did not question anything, and I dont think you
have taken this personally at all :)

What makes them deficient?

I have pointed out a few reasons. For you to ask this 
question is for you
to suggest that you didn't actually read my previous messages.

Also, for strings that are more than a few Kb long, functions like
are *extremely* defficient not only in terms of run time, but because
may trash numerous memory cache lines for no reason at all.

if they _MAY_ trash _NUMEROUS_ memory cache lines for _NO REASON_ at all...

Ah yes... :-) The *other* lot of people that I find insulting. Those
who must always compare software tools to hammers and
screwdrivers, and then conclude that their opponent is wrong 
because they
fail to agree with the analogy.

Because *you* say that (s->len) to GString is as a hammer is to a door
handle, you *must* have a point.

Then you didn't understand my analogy. 
My understanding was that GString was not being discussed.  As a result,
strlen() is the tool for the job. Equally, you would use str->len if it
_WAS_ a GString, hence the analogy.

I say that strlen() is a hammer and "char *" is a block of knotted
wood, wheras (s->len) is a hammer+chisel and "GString" is a piece of
quality wood. What say you?

I would tend to agree, had I ever made use of GString to know any better.  I
prefer character arrays myself.

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