pango: invalid subfont 0


   I'm trying to get started using GTK+ 2.0 by
following the GTK+ 2.0 Tutorial.  

   I've installed GTK+ 2.0 using apt-get (the
libgtk2.0-0 package and the packages it depends on). 
I'm running Debian 3.0 (woody).

   The problem is that when I try to run the "Hello
World" application from the tutorial, I get the

  ** (hello_world:6756): WARNING **: Invalid subfont 0

** (hello_world:6756): WARNING **: Invalid subfont 0
in get_font_metrics_from_subfonts

and the button that should say "Hello World" is tiny
and says nothing.  Other than that the app seems to
work normally.

   A couple of other things bear mentioning.  When I
try to compile the hello world example using the
command given in the tutorial, I get unresolved
symbols and have to add "-lfreetype" to get it to

   Also, I had previously tried to install GTK+ 2.2.4
from tarballs; ultimately I could not install all the
things I needed to meet its various dependencies. 
Some of the files from this install are still around.

   Please help; I've been working on this problem for
a total of a couple of days without much luck.


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