Re: Commercial GTK+ development tool

Frank wrote:

Any Borland compiler is not even in the same class as the gcc compiler.  If
Borland uses gcc as its compiler that would be great otherwise I would steer

Yes, I agree with Frank on this issue.
For years I developed MS-Windows apps using Borland C/C++ compiler, it felt natural to also use OWL to 
develop the GUI interface, so, when Borland dropped the ball and stopped developing
and supporting OWL applications, all my applications went down with OWL. Yes... is true that there were some  
groups that were dynamic and enthusiastic about developing and supported OWL,
but in time it all faded away.
Concern about the irresponsible attitude Borland had taken towards its users, which pretty much felt like the 
attitude IBM used to have, at the time when it was big and powerful that is, I
decided to look for compilers and software development applications that would be stable and less arrogant.
At this time I was starting to get my feet wet with UNIX and UNIX flavour OSs like FreeBSD, Linux, AIX, etc. 
and so I found GNU.
Nowadays, I develop for both UN*X ,and MS, local and network applications and would never use anything else 
but GNU C/C++. First of all because there is no stock holders board trying to
make their product less expensive and easier to sale and second of all... the only way GNU C/C++  will be 
dropped is if all the programmers in the world decide to switch to another
development software. An finally, PORTABILITY, PORTABILITY, PORTABILITY.

For some time I used Qt to develop the GUI for my applications, but I feel that Troll tech is getting to 
close to Microsoft Corporation, and I fear that their widgets will, one day soon, no
longer be freely available I decided to abandon Qt. Please note that the users license Troll tech has is 
leaning towards it.

I have taken the endeavor of learning GTK+ widgets. They are, and based on the license, will always be free. 
GLib, according to the docs, is portable and so is GTK+. What what is most
appealing is that, like in GNU C/C++, it will be here for a very, very long time.

The difference between a GRINGO and an AMERICAN is that the
AMERICAN believes that the name of his country is the name
of the continent his country is in, and the GRINGO... well
he is a US citizen who's stupid enough to believe it.

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