Re: How to draw an RGB image?

Am Dienstag, den 02. Oktober 2001 17:54:24 schrieb Daniel Haude:

I'm taking my first steps developing a small Gtk application
(using Glade) and I'm beginning to understand how everything
works. However I'm at a complete loss trying to draw an RGB
image into a Gtk widget.


OK, can anybody point me in the right direction? What does it
take to get an image onto the screen? Since the image is supposed
to change while the app is running I must use a client-side

The code seems to be O.K. Did you call 'gdk_rgb_init()' ?


"Des is völlig wurscht, was heut beschlos- | M G Berberich
 sen wird: I bin sowieso dagegn!"          | berberic fmi uni-passau de
(SPD-Stadtrat Kurt Schindler; Regensburg)  |

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