El mar, 22-03-2005 a las 23:33 +0100, Emmanuel Bourg escribió: > The issue is not really to port the server to UTF-8, for Jetrix it's > just a matter of changing a constant and recompiling the server. The > issue is to support several clients simultaneously with different > encodings. At some point the client has to tell the server the encoding > used to let the server translate the message properly for the other > clients, otherwise the other clients will see garbage when a gtetrinet > user sends non ASCII characters. Ok, so we agree that the rest of the clients have to be fixed (I'm assuming that we also agree that using ISO-8859-1 or ASCII as encoding is really really awful for international gameplay). We can fix them in two ways: 1) Extend the Tetrinet protocol to let the server know which encoding is using each particular client. 2) Port the clients to UTF-8 (which shouldn't be hard) and just use UTF-8 everywhere. I think 1) is harder to implement, and it can (potentially) break compatibility between old and new software. Also, it doesn't fix the main issue, which is having a lot of encodings flying around the clients, and having to support all of them in each client. On the other hand, 2) really fixes the main issue (we'll finally be able to forget about encodings) and I don't think it will be harder to implement than 1). Also, it almost doesn't require to touch code in the server side. We also have to keep in mind what happens to those clients/servers that aren't aware of this issue. They HAVE to be able to play with/against UTF-8 enabled clients/servers. Messing with the protocol may render some clients/servers incompatible, porting clients to UTF-8 can just render some characters unreadable, which isn't a big issue compared to the other one. The worst side of all is that we don't have any kind of "Tetrinet High Council" or something like that were all the Tetrinet related software users and developers can join and discuss these and other matters which affect to the free Tetrinet community (tell me if I'm wrong!). It feels like I'm pushing the rest of the Tetrinet clients developers to port their software to UTF-8. Please, do not think so, I just think that this is better for everyone, but if the consensus is to leave things as they are, I'll do it. -- #include <gnome.h> // By Daniel Carbonell Fraj, mamón itinerante // Public GnuPG key gpg --recv-keys --keyserver wwwkeys.pgp.net 73D91D7E
Description: Esta parte del mensaje =?ISO-8859-1?Q?est=E1?= firmada digitalmente