Re: Reworking Gnumeric's function translations

Hi Hasbullah,

Hasbullah Bin Pit <sebol my-penguin org> writes:

Danilo Segan menulis:
Hi Jody,
I believe you can use that same automation to adjust translations.
Simply look at the msgfilter program, and use what you've got already
on the translations.

I never use msgfilter yet
can u tell me how?

For instance, one may use the following to create first step of en_GB

  msgen program.pot | msgfilter sed s/color/colour/ > en_GB.po

It's quite simple -- command passed to msgfilter will receive
translated message on stdin, and it should output modified
translation to stdout.  In example above, sed simply replaces "color"
with "colour".

You can do there whatever you please :)


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