Re: question about freezed panes

that is known.  That requires another tiny patch.

Thanks for this new patch.
I really prefer this behaviour.
It is now like in XL and OOcalc.

Also, crossing the boundary of the upper pane with the cursor leads to
an autoscroll, e.g.:
-select A10
-freeze panes
-page down several times
-select A9
-hit the bottom arrow
=> lower pane has autoscrolled
I think it is not necessary.

I disagree on that one.  Think aboutthe situation when you button
down on A9 then drag downward.  That should definitely scroll the
lower panes (note: I use 'autoscroll' to mean scrolling due to a
drag outside the sheet).  Hitting down arrow at the boundary is
debatable.  I don't see the intervening elements as hidden, just
scrolled.  So it seems reasonable to assume a user wants to go to
the next row rather than the next visible row.  It would be fairly
easy to make this a preference, but we're starting to get too many
of those already.

OK, with this new patch, you can now modify your cells in the upper pane
without experiencing an autoscroll (it was possible before with a
copy-paste from the lower pane, but it was a bit tricky...). 
If you are in the last line of the upper pane, you have to hit <tab> to
not have an autoscroll. As long as you have more than a cell in the
upper and left pane (and this is often the case...), you can keep your
lower pane scrolling by hitting <tab>, <shift>-<tab>, <return> or
<shift>-<return> to not cross the boundary.

However, I still disagree. I don't see the point if you drag the
selection across the panes boundary: if the next visible cell after A9
is A20, then select all the A9-A20 range. If you want to select A9 and
A10, then you will have to use "split panes" instead of "freeze panes".
(that will be hopefully in gnumeric very soon :-) )

M$-word and XL are plenty of these auto* things that irritate a lot of
people. It seems to me that gnumeric don't have to reproduce these kind
of feature if they don't have a good reason to be there. 
The first time you use freezed panes in a spreadsheet, you will not
think that crossing the panes boundary with the selection or the cursor
will reset the scrolling of your lower pane. And you will loose your
scrolling. And you will make the error several times before
understanding what is the reason...

I agree with you that there is no reason to put an option in the
preferences: finding the option is more difficult that understanding the
software behaviour.

just my 0.02 €...               Frédéric

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