Re: indirect implementation

Thanks for getting back to me so soon.  The general functionality is all I need, so I will humbly wait for the todo list to get this item.


Shawn Scantland

On Wed, 2003-10-01 at 16:05, Jody Goldberg wrote:
On Wed, Oct 01, 2003 at 11:29:31AM -0400, Shawn Scantland wrote:
> First off, I want to say that I love gnumeric...(better than openoffice
> spreadsheet), but one function that I really would like to have working
> seems to be having difficulties (at least with my installation).
> It says that your indirect implementation is complete, but when I run
> your xls spreadsheet for the lookup functions the indirect test number 2
> fails.  Is this expected?

At this point yes.  The RC1 style address parser was removed in the
release because it did not fit well with the new improved parser.
The main elements of INDIRECT should be fully functional, all we
need to restore is the parsing.
It would be nice to restore shortly, but there are several things
above that on the TODO list.  The code itself is pretty trivial,
boring C style string parsing.

Shawn Scantland
Operations Lead
(613) 789-2267 x226

sscantland recognia com

Recognia Inc. - Changing the way people invest!

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