Re: More than 64K Rows (and misc comments)

Aside from the wrap-around issue mentioned by Jody there is also our
suspicion that our data structures might not perform as well with
millions or rows and columns as they do with the current size limits.

The issues here are styles (colours, formats, etc.) and dependency
tracking.  The object of that game is not to suck(*) on any sheets
that might reasonably occur in real life or can be created in <30s.


(*) The technical term "suck" refers to

    - Not to spend an unreasonable amount of time building data
      structures during loading of sheets.

    - Ditto for destruction of the data structures.

    - Ditto for memory usage.

    - Handle large, but sparse, areas nicely.  For example, don't
      blow up on
        colouring a2:iu65534 red.
      (Don't try those in XL or KSpread.  Maybe not OO either.)

    Gnumeric is pretty close to not sucking, but we aren't sure how
    well designs scale in practice, but our evaluation engine can
    cause stack depths a bit on the high side.

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