Re: quick questions about gnumeric.

On Fri, Feb 01, 2002 at 12:12:20PM -0500, C. Scott Ananian wrote:
 - customized column/row headings. (This was mentioned in the TODO).
   I'd like to be able to label rows 'cue 1' 'cue 2', etc and columns
   'channel 1', 'channel 2', etc.
This is not being worked on, and I'm not sure it is a good idea.

   Alternatively, some functionality
   (I think Excel has this) where you can make a given row into a 'header'
   row, so that it will stick to the top of the screen and remain there
   when you've scrolled down.
This is available in lla releases after 0.62?

 - 'locked' cells.  I'd like to lay out a template sheet and make some
    cells (like the column/row headings mentioned above) unmodifiable.
    I read somewhere (the online manual?) that Gnumeric imports
    Excel's "locked" bit but doesn't currently do anything with it.
    Is this being worked on?
We import and export the flags from XL and provide a ui for setting
them.  However, we do not actively do anything with it.  Adding a
simple version of this would probably not be too difficult during
the current development cycle.

 - Customizable key-mappings/invoking a script from within gnumeric.
This is certainly planned, but we have not started work on selecting
a macro api.  If you can code we can easily add some new commands in
a plugin and make them available in the menus.

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