Re: Gnumeric 0.65 & Excel

On Fri, 2001-05-25 at 15:27:22, Rory D. Hudson wrote:

Ok I just downloaded the 0.65 version of gnumeric and I have a few
questions.  First, it states that I need to set a value for
GNUMERIC_ENABLE_XL_OVERWRITE.  What value do I set this to, and how do I
do this?

You should set environment variable named GNUMERIC_ENABLE_XL_OVERWRITE to
_any_ value. If you're using bash, just add put the following line somewhere
in your ~/.bash_profile:

The other question I have is regarding choosing Excel 95 as
the default file Save As type.
2)Change the FILE_FL_MANUAL for excel_save_95 in plugins/excel/boot.c

This worked great for version 0.61 but now I do not see a reference to
FILE_FL_MANUAL in boot.c for 0.65 any suggestions?  

Change "manual_remember" to "auto" in plugins/excel/plugin.xml instead.

With CVS version of Gnumeric (post 0.65) you can also make Excel95 the
default file saver (and still be able to open/save Gnumeric XML files)
without touching Gnumeric sources or recompiling it. Just add
default_saver_priority="60" attribute to second <service> tag (describing
excel95 file saver) in plugin.xml file placed inside


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