Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Errors with PC-to-phone calls

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W.P. wrote:
> Look like account provider or setup problem. BTW there is better 2.0.2
> version, I personally have had problems with 2.0.1 after installing
> 2.0.2 and changing VoIP provider it simply works ;)

Yep, it was a provider issue (my fault, actually).  So, last complaint:
I'm noticing a delay of about 1 second when talking on PC-to-phone.  I
don't know if this is also present in direct Ekiga-to-Ekiga calls mainly
because my online friends all use Skype.

It's quite striking when calling my own home telephone, speaking into
it, and hearing my voice in my headphones about a second or a second and
a half later.

What sort of things could cause this?  I note that when detecting NAT
type in the Configuration Druid, I get the message,

      STUN test result: Port Restricted NAT.

      Using a STUN server is most probably the most appropriate
      method if your router does not natively support SIP or H.323.

I would really like to get this working properly, because Ekiga seems to
integrate with the Linux sound system much better than Skype (which
often either takes over the sound system or sulks because it can't work
with it properly).


    -- Joe

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