Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] thin client

Le vendredi 22 avril 2005 à 16:41 +1000, Keir Vaughan-Taylor a écrit :
> Still trying to work out how to get Gnomemeeting to run on a thinclient. 
> Another approach I'm trying is to compile gnomemeeting entirely with 
> static libraries.  That is the run-time libraries are included in the 
> binary.
> I tried running configure with the with-static option and without-shared 
> but this makes no difference to the binary size and using strace 
> indicates it is still accessing run time libraries
> I tried changing the CC variable to gcc -static and the GXX to g++ -static.
> Configure then terminates prematurely unable to locate the PWlib 
> directory. I tried supplying the appropriate directory in the configure 
> parameters but same error. The same error occurs changing the LDFLAGS 
> environment variable.
> I can maybe start hacking the makefiles buy perhaps there is a developer 
> out there that can advise the best way to do this build.

You will have to hack, I think there is no other way.
-static is more or less ignored.

If you have precise errors, you can cut and paste them here, and I can
lead you to a solution that works.
 _      Damien Sandras
(o-     GnomeMeeting:
//\     FOSDEM 2005 :
v_/_    H.323 phone : seconix com

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