Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Hi! Reg Gnomemeeting and Familiar.

Hi Lakshmi!

I would like to add some information to what Kilian said in the other

> 3) Are there any readily available supported applications
>    (For IP VideoConferencing) with Familiar release in this regard.
Yes, there's one application that is called ZMeeting. I don't know the
status of its development, I don't know how well it works on the iPaq
and I don't know which codecs it supports. You can find it at

This is for the Zaurus but it should be compilable under Familiar
because it uses the same libs.

> 4) how easy it is to port applications from Linux to Familiar
> embedded linux?
In general, it's easy. But in GM's particular case your have the
following problem: GM is based on Gnome and hence GTK. Familiar comes
with Opie which is based on QT-embedded. This means that in general,
KDE-/QT-based apps are easy to port (note how many applications exist
for familiar that come from KDE: korganizer, konquerer, etc.) but to run
GM on Opie, you would first need to port it to QT. However, if I
remember correctly, there're also GTK-ports for Familiar, so maybe you
can manage to easily port GM anyways. In any case, please let us know if
you make any progress. I'm a Zaurus-user (OpenZaurus with Opie is
running on my Zaurus) so I'm particularly interested in this.


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