Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Gnomemeeting behind a Cisco Nat Firewall

Le mer 05/03/2003 à 16:33, Marc Williams a écrit :

> Ok, I understand what you're saying but I don't think you can make it a
> blanket statement.  Some routers can do h.323.  My Nexland, for
> instance.  And I think Linksys also.  All I have to do is open up a few
> ports that I tell gnugk to use and it just works.  Come to think of it,
> I'm not sure that a h.323 aware router is even necessary with gnugk
> since pretty much all the ports can be specified in gnugk.ini.  After it
> gets past TCP 1720, all the other ports are negotiated.  As I recall...

If the router supports H323, you don't need GNU GK to use GnomeMeeting.
That's what I don't understand in your explanation.

If the router doesn't support H.323, then GNU GK can be a solution to
use GnomeMeeting, but in that case :
- you have to install the GNU GK on the router
- or you have to install the GNU GK on a public IP and patch
GnomeMeeting to support the NAT penetration system of GNU GK.
 _	Damien Sandras
(o-	GnomeMeeting:
//\	FOSDEM 2003:
v_/_	H.323 phone:  callto:// seconix com

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