Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Gnomemeeting and RedHat 9 Problems

 I grabbed redhat 9 last week, and loaded it onto a spare machine.
On that spare machine, I built openh323 and pwlib.

The build failed, cause openssl was not installed.
So, I downloaded the source for openssl, 
uncompressed the source, ./configure; make ; make install
Then, pwlib and openh323 libraries would build.

I installed the nixj driver - that was easy, no problems (thankfully)
I tested the driver. All utilities in the nsdk worked fine, including the
multithreaded ones.

ohphone, the simple utility provided by openh323 developers, would not 
run. If ohphone won't run, then gnomemeeting will definately not run.
Ohphones command interface locked up after 10 seconds.
I went back and read the docs on rh 9

- getpid() returns the same value in all threads.

If an application does not work properly with NPTL, it can be run
using the old LinuxThreads implementation by setting the
following environment variable:

getpid() is used in managing the quicknet card. This change is critical,
and will break openh323.

I set the environement variable as suggested. 
ohphone worked perfectly.

 a)Redhat have broken binary compatibility.
 b)Redhat 8.0 is kernel 2.4.18, Redhat 9.0 is kernel 2.4.20
   Since the change is only at the patch level, I would not expect such
   a drastic alteration in performance. Clearly, numbering conventions are
   not followed by redhat.
 c)I am severely annoyed. You see, when rewriting the ixj driver, I was 
   told to maintain binary compatibility. One of the people who told me 
   this works at redhat. YET, they can't maintain binary compatibility.
   Various words come to mind.
   Shame on you redhat.
 d)set the environment variable on redhat 9
 e)you might be lucking - gnomeeting will work on redhat 9 with an 
   ordinary sound card, without setting the environment variable. 

have I started a war with this letter?
If I have, sorry. In your flames etc, PLEASE stick to facts.

P.S. This is a problem Equival are aware of. I expect a code change to get 
it to work in a week.

On 15 Apr 2003, George wrote:

> I have installed a second hard drive in my machine with RedHat 9. Using
> Gnomemeeting with RedHat 9 doesn't work correctly with microtelco. It
> acts as if the ports on the router are not opened and forwarded. IE: The
> other party can hear me, but I cannot hear them. Also after using PC to
> Phone, gnomemeeting will not hang up or exit. I have to kill the
> process. This is the version .96.0 that comes with RedHat 9. 
> I had to install the nixj drivers to get the quicknet card to be
> recognized. Other then that there have been no changes.
> Also, trying to compile gnomemeeting and pwlib on RH 9, they both
> complain that openSSL is not installed, yet it is, and is installed in
> the correct place. 
> When I reboot back to 7.3/ximian, all works fine.
> Can anyone shed any light on what the problem may be and why trying to
> compile, it complains that openSSL is not installed?
> Thanks

Derek Smithies Ph.D.
IndraNet Technologies Ltd.
Email: derek indranet co nz
ph +64 3 365 6485

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