[GnomeMeeting-list] Gnomemeeting and RedHat 9 Problems

I have installed a second hard drive in my machine with RedHat 9. Using
Gnomemeeting with RedHat 9 doesn't work correctly with microtelco. It
acts as if the ports on the router are not opened and forwarded. IE: The
other party can hear me, but I cannot hear them. Also after using PC to
Phone, gnomemeeting will not hang up or exit. I have to kill the
process. This is the version .96.0 that comes with RedHat 9. 

I had to install the nixj drivers to get the quicknet card to be
recognized. Other then that there have been no changes.

Also, trying to compile gnomemeeting and pwlib on RH 9, they both
complain that openSSL is not installed, yet it is, and is installed in
the correct place. 

When I reboot back to 7.3/ximian, all works fine.

Can anyone shed any light on what the problem may be and why trying to
compile, it complains that openSSL is not installed?

George <geboyd netzero net>

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