Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] Gnomemeeting to XP NM

Robert Schmidt <rschmidt ast cam ac uk> scripsit:


> Today I have had trouble using my Gnomemeeting 0.85.1 (standard Redhat 7.3
> distribution) to connect to an Windows XP NetMeeting. I'm on a very fast
> connection, the XP machine on an ISDN line (~100 kbit/s).
> After about 5 seconds the connection is terminated. In this time we have
> visual contact (I didn't check audio - the history log shows MS-GSM
> connection, however). I can't find out which side terminates. We noticed
> that it was necessary for me to enable tunneling to connect at all. Normal
> GM to GM connections work without problem.
> I noticed a similar problem being discussed on this list in March and was
> wondering if this phenomenon is now explained. I don't have a debug dump
> (only read this is possible when searching through the list), will do
> though if required!

Be sure to limit the video transfer rate to the maximum possible load. 
100kbit/s - 15 kbit/s (GSM)   --> 10 kB/s max video transfer rate...
if there was 100kbit/s up and downstream. Since you need both directions
I think you may divide the above value by two or something.

I had no more eventual terminations of connections to NM-XP /after/
choosing the right value.


Good luck
Michael                                     PGP-Key 0x7E1231ED

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