Re: [GnomeMeeting-list] install problems

le dim 09-12-2001 à 16:47, Jean-frederic Clere a écrit :
> >
> > * do you mean no sound between GM and NM, or only between GM's ?
> Between GM's.

Is it a problem on both GM's ?

> >
> > * are you firewalled ?
> No I use a LAN cable between 2 PC's... Could it be that one IP port is already
> used by something else?
> >
> > * is your micro audio volume set to a high value ?
> Sure, that the first thing I have done ;-)
Have you tested to record with grecord (for example), does it work ?
Are you under KDE perhaps ? with artsd which blocks the soundcard ?

> Ok, but I am not sure I will be able to improve the driver.

Simply mail them...

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