Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Latest CVS, call hangup stall, libs base

Craig Southeren wrote:
> On Mon, 27 Mar 2006 20:40:37 +0200
> thomas schorpp <t schorpp gmx de> wrote:
> ..deleted
>>>Unfortunately, I can not reproduce the problem. I do not know where it
>>>happens, nor why. Moreover, I'm overloaded by work at the office for the
>>>next 2 weeks. 
>>>So do not expect big updates or bug fixes in Ekiga in the next month or
>>>If somebody can reproduce the problem, then please fix it.
>>>If nobody can reproduce the problem, then it will stay like that.
>>no problem. 
>>could ekiga development continued with the last release pwlib and opal?
>>i have every reason to consider new pwlib dev version as highly unstable.
>>could you modify needed lib versions respectively ?
>>so craig's experiments (i dont really want to offend him, but thats the second time 
>>the dev version lib is badly broken for ekiga here) dont scare us.
> If you are are referring to the mutex fiasco, then you are correct - I
> did make a mistake and I guess I will keep paying for it :)
> As far as the latest code is concerned, I'm not aware of any checkins
> I've made lately that could have caused this problem. In fact, I have
> not applied a whole series of patches exactly because I have not had
> time to review them.
> There is a really good reason why we do snapshots and have a CVS head.
> If we only put known working code into the CVS then we not make much
> progress

yes thats ok.

>    Craig
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>  Craig Southeren          Post Increment – VoIP Consulting and Software
>  craigs postincrement com au         
>  Phone:  +61 243654666      ICQ: #86852844
>  Fax:    +61 243673140      MSN: craig_southeren hotmail com
>  Mobile: +61 417231046      
>  "It takes a man to suffer ignorance and smile.
>   Be yourself, no matter what they say."   Sting

no bug. sorrx craig :(

snapshot from 3/28 are fine.

seems gcc 4.0 linker corrupts the binarie after doing not 
make clean after a longer time.




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