Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] WIN32 todos

Michael Rickmann a écrit :
Oh, sorry, I did not make it clear one post earlier. For me Win32 fullscreen is working like a charm now, so is debug output and the dynamic linking to SDL.dll. For a quick check get . So I wanted to pause work on fullscreen stuff. I submitted the patches this afternoon to this list in the hope that they get reviewed and eventually find a way into Kilian's build process. Unfortunately I had to change mainly main.cpp which seems not very open to changes at the moment. Win32 Ekiga should not interfer with the postrelease adjustments of Ekiga 2.0. With my second post on "WIN32 todos" I just want to find out what to approach next.

I'll try to have a look at it. If the code is WIN32-specific, then there's no problem in getting it in.


PS: I hadn't seen your other mail yet when I read this one :-)

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