Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Again: STUN

Michael Rickmann a �it :

I have followed this thread and toyed around a bit with different STUN servers. So from a user's point of view 1) Ekiga should tell you if it cannot reach a STUN server. E.g. the user should have a chance to recognize that does not exist. Then he has the chance to correct it into
How the hell should Ekiga know it? Lots of companies blocks all outgoing traffic, except 80 or proxies, generally 8080. So explain me how Ekiga should recognize if stun server is down or not?

2) Ekiga will be a good softphone but not a service to all of its users. One attractiveness of "free your speech" is that the user can choose any SIP provider and select one for a special purpose. When he signs in every provider will tell the address of his STUN server. The user should enter that.
A stun server is not linked to a provider. For me, It has no sens to enter stun for each gateway.

3) I like the way the X-ten people handle the problem. They have a primary and a secondary STUN server in their network setup. In X-lite's default configuration the first server entry is empty and the secondary is (or is it I think that is a good solution for Ekiga as well. Offer two STUN server entries in the network setup gui, don't overload the druid but provide as a fallback server.
Could be a solution.

What I don't understand from this thread, is if you know that Ekiga's stun server has some problems at this moment, why not just switch to another one like the one from voxgratia or another, even setup yours ;-)


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