Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] win32 build issues

Michael Rickmann wrote:
There is quite a bit unpredictable in SDL-Win32. I tried to get ekiga fullscreen running on Windows this weekend. The outcome is not very satisfying. I made the observation that ekiga does not crash but happily continues behind the SDL window when you switch back from fullscreen. But don't dare to switch to fullscreen back again. The fullscreen window can be removed by pressing the disconnect button. So SDL for Windows just did not remove the window.

The rest of the day I spent convincing SDL to do so. In principle
1) SDL-Win32 does not like keys to trigger its quit.
2) Any events or other stuff which happens to SDL-Win32 between polling and SDL_QUIT make the window stay there.
3) As documented SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen does not work on Windows
So I used the right mouse button for returning, grabbed input and quit SDL as soon as I get notice.

Attached is a patch that makes win32 fullscreen work for me. Not very nice but perhaps a start.

Indeed that's a start. Perhaps asking to an SDL guru would help.

Thanks for your help,


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