Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Strange noise with one provider


thomas schorpp wrote:
>>> not sipgate. just tested with own phone landline call over
>>> sipgate to my ekiga. codec handshaked was PCMA (G711a) and
>>> quality was fine.
>>> the "robot" sound is very slight and inavoidable quantisation
>>> noise from sampling and compressing.
>> What codec is giving problems then?
> proprietary implementations, as usual... ;) at this time here only my
> fathers x-ten xlite has problems desampling sound from ekiga's
> codecs.

I had some time to test - I can confirm the X-Lite problem.
I do hear the X-Lite sender in good quality (with Ekiga), but the X-Lite
user gets just a noisy ("bubbling" would describe it pretty well) sound.
No problems with other endpoints, hw and sw.

Seems as if X-Lite has problems to decode the Ekiga stream. That's bad,
I think X-Lite is one of the most popular free SIP clients (at least for


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