Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Strange noise with one provider

Damien Sandras wrote:
> Le dimanche 05 février 2006 à 20:41 +0100, Hannes Ebner a écrit :
>>Damien Sandras wrote:
>>>I did a few changes to CVS 30 seconds ago. 
>>>Can you test again?
>>>Actually, when the remote endpoint was not answering with the same
>>>preference order than ekiga, it was giving problems. It seems to be
>>>fixed now.
>>I tested again. I'm sorry, but I'm still having the same problem.
>>Some additional information: the quality sipgate->Ekiga is ok, but
>>Ekiga->sipgate sounds like a robot/distorted. To make it clearer: I hear
>>the remote side clearly as it is supposed to be, but they have a hard
>>time understanding me.
> Complain to sipgate... Really, I don't see how it could be an ekiga
> problem :-/

not sipgate. just tested with own phone landline call over sipgate to my ekiga.
codec handshaked was PCMA (G711a) and quality was fine.

the "robot" sound is very slight and inavoidable quantisation noise from sampling 
and compressing.

if its not slight then the sampling rate or width is too low or the soundcards ADC is bad 

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