[GnomeMeeting-devel-list] additional feathres.


I have two 'small' feature requests.  They come from the fact that I use
gm on my laptop and so the environment is different from one moment to
the next.

1.  Have an option for gatekeeper that 'always tries' the gatekeeper.
In this mode, while un-registered gm would
     A. periodically try to reconnect to the gatekeeper (without
        complaining if it fails)
     B. On outgoing calls, try to reconnect to the gatekeeper before
        starting the call
This feature is needed because a laptop is not always connected to the
Internet.  I often find that I have forgotten to re-register when I re-
connect - sometimes I don't find out for days!

2.  A similar option for the video device.  It would work so that if
video sending is enabled in gm, on call setup (incomming or outgoing) it
automatically scans for video devices and uses one if it finds one.

This is needed because I always forget to connect my webcam, and it is
annoying to have to go 'preferences->video->rescan' each time.  It would
make gm more 'plug and play'.

(Note that some of this can be acchieved by running a script that
periodacally changes gm's setting with gconftool.  But that is hacky,
and does not ensure that things will be changed when you try to make a
call.  Also, the 'cannot register' warnings are a pain!)

This would also help when I disconnect my laptop from home and bringing
it to work, thus changing the IP address in less time than the
gatekeeper times out my previous registration.  In this case the
gatekeeper does not let me register as there is already someone with
this alias.  I would have thought that gm would unregister on shutdown?)

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