Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Poll: Is GnomeMeeting ready for 1.00

On 12/06/2003 at 12:28:32(+0200), Damien Sandras used 0.8K just to say:
> >From Yann: "I think so as ohphone is affected as well."

Ah..., I obviously didn't read the whole thread very diligently.

> > 2. Can you send me the output of "gnomemeeting -d 3" when the problem occurs.
> > 
> > 3. If the same problem occurs with ohphone, the output of "ohphone -ttt" might
> > be even more useful.
> That will be the same output than the gnomemeeting one. (just fyi)

So my options are left to any of numbers 2 or 3, plus possibly any modules
related to firewire and maybe permissions on /dev/video1394/0 (or /dev/raw1394
or whatever the device is set to).

Of course, a private mail would be more appropriate.

/ Georgi Georgiev    (-<     / Other women cloy The appetites   \
\ chutz chubaka net  /\   .o)\ they feed, but she makes hungry  /
/ +81(90)6266-1163  V_/_ |(/)/ Where most she satisfies. --     \
\                   ^^^^^^^^^\ Antony and Cleopatra             /

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