Re: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] Poll: Is GnomeMeeting ready for 1.00

On 12/06/2003 at 11:08:02(+0200), Damien Sandras used 0.8K just to say:
> Le jeu 12/06/2003 ¸«¢ 11:01, Yann Klis a ¸«±crit :
> > In fact, this way works :
> > - power up the cam
> > - launch GnomeMeeting
> > - power off the cam
> > Now GM just displays the last image display by the cam, which is relatively
> > good from an end user point of view.
> > - power up the cam
> > After a few seconds, GM re-displays the video flux providing by the cam.
> > So the problem just occurs at the initialization of the firewire part of pwlib.
> > 
> Does it hang too if the preview is not active?
> Just a guess, it could be in the opening of the device simply...
> > Of course!
> > But I think Georgi is subscribed to this list.
> Not sure ... I know he is subscribed to the users ml.

In response to Yann's bugreport I did decide to subscribe to this list as well.

Instead of guessing what *might* be happening, we can probably see what *is*
going on, by looking at the debug output of gnomemeeting. I am pretty sure that
if there are no cameras that can be opened, the firewire part of the pwlib code
would simply return a FALSE, which is up to gnomemeeting to decide how to
interpret.  I think this has happened to me as well, and if I recall correctly
I was getting a message in a message box saying something like "Gnomemeeting is
unable to open the /dev/video1394/0 device, the following picture will be
displayed instead..." or similar. It had an OK button and a checkbox "don't
show again" I think. I am therefore quite certain the problem is somewhere
else, but of course, the firewire code was quite buggy (only one update since
the initial release IIRC), because there were never enough bugreports to
urge any improvement. I therefore don't drop the possibility it is a problem in
the firewire code, but I'd like to look at other possibilities as well. Here a
few things on my mind:

1. Is a similar behavior observed with ohphone (you can get it from

2. Can you send me the output of "gnomemeeting -d 3" when the problem occurs.

3. If the same problem occurs with ohphone, the output of "ohphone -ttt" might
be even more useful.

/ Georgi Georgiev    (-<     / "This is lemma 1.1. We start a   \
\ chutz chubaka net  /\   .o)\ new chapter so the numbers all   /
/ +81(90)6266-1163  V_/_ |(/)/ go back to one." -- Prof.        \
\                   ^^^^^^^^^\ Seager, C&O 351                  /

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