Re[4]: [GnomeMeeting-devel-list] SIP and GnomeMeeting - please comment

Hi Damien,

..oh i forgot:

about the point with a browser supporting vhsp:// instead of http://

well, whom are we comepeting with? don't you think it's GM who might
set up the http:// style for VoIP?! why not us writing the defaults?
so if we tell there's that SIP-style and there's the more general VoIP
notation (callto://) and GM supports both.. who would tell us right
from wrong? finally, GM _is_ the large VoIP app in the linux world
(like >90% if i remember well), and NM is dead somewhat.. (and will be
replaced by GM/win32 sometime)

please correct me if i'm wrong..


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